AlRamsa FAQs

About Emirati Arabic Dialect

1. What is the best learning material for me to use?

We have various types of learning materials: Online & face to face classes, one to one & group courses, live & pre-recorded self-learning courses. We also have a wide variety of books and eBooks that are all available through our website. All the materials are helpful and effective based on your level, so you will learn everything about the Emirati Arabic language by studying with us. Feel free to explore the below videos for more information:

1. Click for Emirati Arabic Beginners A1 Course Video:

2. Click for Emirati Arabic Beginners A2 Course Video:

3. Click for Emirati Arabic Beginners A3 Course Video:

2. Where should I start?
If you are a beginner, then the first course you should start is Emirati Arabic A1 course. If you know Emirati dialect but you are not sure about your level, then take our Verbal Assessment and check your level. The verbal assessment will guide you to a good starting point. To receive the verbal assessment please feel free to reach us by +971 52 668 3955 or WhatsApp Contact.

Download / View Course Levels A1 to B3

3. Can I become fluent in Emirati Arabic by choosing the courses/books?

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”.
To start speaking in a new language that you start learning, you need to understand how sentences are formed (grammar), how words are pronounced (pronunciation), and what words are more natural to use in certain contexts (vocabulary).

We offer all these elements through our course, books, e-books, and audio/video lessons. Continuation is key, and our materials make it easy to learn Emirati Arabic.

In addition to that, if you keep exposing yourself to good and natural conversations between native speakers and reading materials, you will find yourself naturally and consistently improving.

4. How long will take for me to become fluent in Emirati Arabic?

Because we focus on speaking and listening of Emirati dialect, you will start speaking after attending 3 levels of Emirati Arabic. The more vocabularies you know, the more you can express and speak in Emirati Arabic. However, it also depends on the person, but if you spend at least one hour every day actively learning and practicing while saying things out loud and producing your own sentences, you will find yourself comfortably having conversations in Emirati Arabic in a year or so.

5. How much Time should I spent each day on learning Emirati Arabic?

The more, the better! It is also important, however, to make sure you don’t grow tired of learning Emirati Arabic. Do not overwork yourself and try to make learning Arabic a natural part of your daily life. You can listen to our audio lessons on the go, watch video lessons in a coffee shop, or sit in a quiet place to practice by solving questions in our study materials. You will become fluent in no time if you keep exposing yourself to the language, and listening to Arabic will become a part of your daily life.

6. Do I need to learn the alphabet first to achieve speaking?

Learning the alphabet is not a strict prerequisite for learning to speak, especially in the context of a spoken language. Many people learn to speak their native language without explicitly learning the alphabet first.

However, learning the alphabet can be beneficial for reading and writing in a language, as it provides a foundation for understanding written text.

7. What is the difference between Moderns Standard Arabic (MSA) and Emirati Arabic?

The primary difference between the Moderns Standard Arabic and Emirati Arabic is that MSA is a standardized, formal version of Arabic used for writing and formal communication across the Arabic speaking world, while the Emirati Arabic is a spoken a spoken dialect specific to the UAE with its own unique characteristics.

This video will help you understand better:

8. How/where can I buy your books?

You can purchase the books by visiting the following links:-

  1. Al Ramsa Website
  2. Amazon Bookstore
  3. Noon Bookstore
  4. Magrudy Bookstore
  5. Or you can just place an order directly through WhatsApp and team will assist you- WhatsApp Contact
9. How long will it take for my order to arrive?
For shipping inside UAE 2-3 Working days
For International shipping 20-30 Working days
10. How will I know which level I should begin with?

If you’re interested in determining your current level within our curriculum, please get in touch with us to arrange a verbal assessment – WhatsApp Contact

11. What type of Arabic is used in the UAE?

The United Arab Emirates primarily uses the Emirati Dialect of Arabic in everyday communication. However, due to its diverse population and international environment, you will also hear other Arabic dialects.

12. Should I learn MSA or Emirati Dialect first?

Whether you should learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or the Emirati Dialect first depends on your specific goals and how you plan to use the language.

1. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA):
Learning MSA is a good choice if you have academic, formal, or professional purposes in mind. It is the standard form of Arabic used in written materials, news broadcasts and formal contexts across the Arab world. (Used mainly for reading and writing only)

2. Emirati Dialect:
If you plan to live, work or socialise primarily in the UAE, learning the Emirati dialect could be more practical for daily interactions. It can help you connect with locals and navigate daily life with greater ease. (Used mainly for speaking and listening only)

13. If I learned Emirati dialect, will I be able to communicate with other Arabs?

If you learned the Emirati dialect, you would be able to communicate effectively with Emiratis and potentially with Arabs from other Gulf countries who may understand the dialect. We mainly focus on vocabularies that are common among Arabic dialects. However, it’s important to note that there are significant dialectal differences across the Arab world.

14. Which Arab dialect do people in Dubai speak?

In Dubai, the Emirati Dialect is the most spoken Arabic dialect. It is reflective of the local Emirati culture and identity. However, Dubai’s unique position as a global city with a diverse population means that you will also encounter a mix of other Arabic dialects from different regions of the Arab world.

15. If I know MSA, how many Arabic dialects I will understand?

If you know MSA, you will have a good foundation for understanding written Arabic and communicating formally. You may have some understanding of spoken Arabic dialect, but comprehension will vary depending on the dialect and your exposure to it.

16. Do you teach reading and writing in Arabic language?

We primarily emphasize speaking and listening skills in our teaching approach. This is because Emirati dialect is a spoken language. Our focus is to improve verbal communication and listening comprehension.

17. Do you have intensive courses for Emirati Arabic?

We believe that learning a new language is a gradual process, and it’s important to build a strong foundation. Therefore, we only offer intensive courses for private one to one individual. However, we offer group courses once or twice a week. We believe that language acquisition is most effective when learners have the time to absorb and practice at their own pace. Our approach focuses on comprehensive, long-term language development, allowing students to progress steadily and thoroughly. We prioritize a more sustainable and effective learning experience.

18. Do you have group courses for kids?

We do not offer group courses for kids because we understand that learning a new language can be challenging, and children may have shorter attention spans in group settings. In addition, most of the kids we have are Emiratis from different level and age groups. However, we do provide Semi-private and Private course tailored to their individual needs and pace of learning. These formats allow for more personalized attention, ensuring that each child can focus and progress effectively in their language learning journey.

19. My child is an Emirati, and he cannot speak Emirati dialect.

We totally understand that as we have 20% of our students with similar situation. Therefore, our kids course focus on Emirati dialect (the spoken language). We created customized content for kids, and we accept students who are 6 years old and above. You can check the course content here:

Download / View Emirati Course Outline for Kids

20. I’m an Emirati and I understand a lot, but I cannot speak Emirati dialect. Do you have a course for me?

When this happens, it’s usually because you’ve been learning by reading or listening, but not actually talking to native speakers. Many people learning a new language make this mistake. They think that understanding the language also means they can have real conversations in it. The good news is you can learn to speak it much faster compared to new learners. We have courses from beginners to advance in Emirati dialect. For advanced courses, we only have private courses available as we focus on teaching advanced vocabularies and phrases and, at the same time, help you in building your confidence by giving you more time and space to practice speaking. To assess your Emirati Arabic level, please get in touch with us to arrange a verbal assessment. WhatsApp Contact.

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Emirati Arabic classes- Your bridge to culture and communication.

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