Emirati Arabic for Medical Professionals


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This course containing Basic Arabic for Health Professionals is suitable for doctors, nurses, dentists and anyone who words in medical field and hospitals in the UAE. It helps Learn Arabic for Doctors to communicate effectively with Emirati and Arab patients. The course includes 400-600 vocabulary related to hospital, check up, diagnose, illness, Emirati health proverbs and other words related to the medicine field.

Below is sample of the lesson 1

In The Hospital fee el mustashfa في المستشفى
What’s wrong? sho feek? شو فيك؟
Where is the problem? wain elmishkelah وين المشكلة؟
Where is the pain? wain elalam? وين الألم؟
I have pain in my stomach 3endee alam fee batnee عندي ألم في بطني
I have pain in my back 3endee alam fee dhahree عندي ألم في ظهري
I have pain in my eyes 3endee alam fee 3yooni عندي ألم في عيوني
Is it the first time? awwal marrah? أول مرة؟
How many times? kam marrah? كم مرة؟
Since how many days? min kam youm? من كم يوم؟
Since three days min thalath ayyam                                                  من 3 أيام
Since a week min esboo3 من أسبوع
Since a month min shahar من شهر
Are you in medication? enta takhed dawa انت تاخذ دوا؟
I have diabetes 3endee sukkar عندي سكر
I have blood pressure 3endee dhaght dam عندي ضغط دم
I have cortisol 3endee kolistrool عندي كوليسترول
Open your mouth ifta7 7aljik افتح حلجك
Open your eyes ifta7 3yoonik افتح عيونك
Breath deeply itnaffass تنفس


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